Übermensch: Bypassing NAT when pivoting on Windows with Nebula This article explores advanced NAT pivoting techniques on Windows using Nebula, leveraging Hole Punching and ICS to access internal network
Philosophy of Nietzsche: Pivoting on Windows using Nebula In this article, I will demonstrate an exotic method I found for pivoting on Windows by building an overlay Nebula network
Bipolar Disorder: Pivoting with TailScale Pivoting is used in a post-exploitation context and has many techniques. In this article I will also demonstrate the ability to move around the network using TailScale.
Against: Pentesting MikroTik Routers The use of MikroTik routers is widespread around the world and their security is an issue. This is a release of my article on attacks on MikroTik routers.
Witchhammer VIP: NAT bypass for pivoting on Windows NAT can cause problems for a pentester when pivoting, especially if we are talking about compromised Windows machines. In this article, I will continue to demonstrate the concept of L2 tunneling against compromised Windows machines, but with NAT in mind